This presentation was part of the 5th Annual MN Mobile Mental Health Crisis Response Summit.
Brief Description:
In a crisis, adults try to protect young children by ushering them away from the situation, telling them things are going to be okay, or providing a comfort item. Would it surprise you to know these things are not always helpful? Find out what little ones at a crisis scene really need from you and simple ways you can provide it.
Three Learning Objectives:
- List three reasons why adults’ efforts to protect children from a difficult situation may not be helpful and will know what to do instead.
- Identify five myths adults believe about children that can do more harm than good and will revise their thinking so they can better support young children in crisis.
- Provide four responses that young children need in order for them to feel reassured in a crisis situation.
Presenter Bio:
Michele Benyo is the founder of Good Grief Parenting, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist™️, and an early childhood parent coach who works with grieving parents raising young surviving siblings after child loss. After losing her son to cancer, Michele realized how deeply the loss affected her 3 ½-year-old daughter. Applying her background in early childhood, she has developed tools and practices to help adults support the youngest of participants in the midst of loss, crisis, and trauma who are profoundly affected and often overlooked.